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Archiving for
Websites and Intranets

Save costs in hosting, licensing and maintenance through converting old websites into surfable and accessible web archives

Preserve history on your websites with on going archiving

Archiving of web, intranet,  av webb, intranät, business systems. Ongoing archiving.

Surfable web pages

The archive opens up easily using a regular browser and all links between pages are preserved to make it fully surfable.

Preserved design

Formats and graphics are exported from the original website along with the contents to make it look just like before.

Easy manageable format

The web archive consists of static Html files with their associated images, documents and other resources which is easy to handle and store on a network share, dvd or similar.

Modifications as an option

The setup can exclude specific pages or templates and also modify the content through the process.

How does it work?

Having your website converted to a one time archive or setting up an ongoing process is easy and doesn't require any work from you as a client. There is no need for installations or adjustments on your website.



First time a website is archived, we test it thoroughly to ensure all necessary content is included. If the site is an intranet, we need to get access to it.



Ongoing archiving are scheduled to run each month/quarter etc and the conversion runs regularly. One time archives are delivered to the client.


Storing / Delivery

We can store the archives on our servers where our clients have access to them through a web portal. Or we can deliver them to the client for self storage.

What does it cost?

The cost of a web archiving process is dependent on factors such as size and complexity of the site and if it's a one time archiving or an ongoing process.

If the web site is not accessible from the internet or requires special login, we need to obtain access in order to measure and make some tests to give you an exact price but we can make an estimate with information about the CMS/platform you are using and the approximate number of pages.

Please drop us an email if you are interested in having your site archived.

Inquiry about web archiving

Some of our clients

Säkerhets- och Integritetsnämnden
Ystad Gymnasium
Statens Service Center
Partille kommun
Statens medieråd
Region Sörmland

About us

About us is run by Vincera AB who also works with test and quality assurance of websites, automatic migration of webpages and RPA/Robotics. Read more about these services on and

Vincera AB

Address: Sollidenvägen 1, 183 65 Täby, Sweden
Phone: +46-8-400 115 20

Make an inquiry